Friday, March 12, 2010

Back again...for now...

I know it's been a while since my last post...okay, almost two years! I did warn you this would probably happen. Oregon is sooooo beautiful. We have been thinking about what it would be like to move closer to San Diego and there are a lot of very appealing ideas to that thought but I can't help thinking about how beautiful it is here. The redwoods and forests, green lush fields, ocean cliffs, beach...everywhere you look it is spectacular! Plus, the fact that we live two hours from my sister, Cammy and her family. Well, we will see what happens.


Ivy Skinner said...

It IS beautiful there. I am going to try to talk Daniel into a vacation to see you and Cammy this summer. Especially before you up and move again. :)

Becky said...

Did you know that the Northern California and Oregon coast was Grandaddy's favorite place? We use to go camping along that stretch when Howard and I were kids. Of course we weren't allowed anywhere near the water so we probably remember the redwoods better. I love these pictures. Especially the one taken at dusk.

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